The Maryland Department of State Police (MSP) is a full-service law enforcement agency whose mission is to be a statewide force for a safer Maryland. Statewide initiatives reduce traffic crashes, drunk driving, aggressive driving, unsafe vehicles, and other threats to highway safety. Concurrently, our criminal enforcement emphasis is on cross-border and inter-jurisdictional crime that involves illegal drug importation and distribution, apprehending fugitives, and reducing violent crime.
An important part of our mission is to support local law enforcement. MSP works to coordinate efforts between local and federal law enforcement. MSP assistance includes investigative services, mobile field force support, and specialized services such as computer crime investigation and fugitive tracking. Our Aviation Command provides statewide medevac and aerial law enforcement assistance, and more than 70 percent of the evidence analyzed by our Forensic Sciences Division is completed for local law enforcement agencies.

Colonel Roland L. Butler, Jr.
Colonel Butler has extensive law enforcement experience and has served in line and supervisory positions in both the patrol and investigation bureaus while being promoted through the ranks. He is currently in his 29th year of service and upon his appointment to Secretary became the first African American Superintendent in the 102-year history of the Department. His vision includes the recruitment and retention of qualified candidates to serve the citizens of Maryland while creating equal opportunities for advancement. His will also address reform as it relates to discipline, and the promotional system grounded in fairness and transparency.
On July 1, 2020, Major Roland Butler was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and appointed as Chief of the Field Operations Bureau overseeing over 1000 troopers and investigative personnel assigned to 23 barracks across the state. He developed operational plans to ensure efficiency, and accountability contributing to the reduction of crime, crashes, radiological threats, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and disruptions. He has been the lead in numerous joint local and federal exercises involving homeland security, emergency management, and statewide security details.
Colonel Butler earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Organizational Leadership from Johns Hopkins University, Public Safety Leadership program. He is also a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.