Aruna K. Miller is the 10th Lieutenant Governor of the state of Maryland. She is the second woman to serve as Lieutenant Governor and the first woman of color and immigrant elected to statewide office in Maryland.
Born in Andhra Pradesh, India, Miller and her family immigrated to the United States when she was 7 years old. The daughter of a mechanical engineer, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Miller has devoted her life to public service and removing systemic barriers to opportunity.
As a civil and transportation engineer in Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation, Miller worked to improve the safety of the public and alleviate traffic by creating equitable access to transportation throughout the county. For 25 years, she oversaw programs that advanced access to schools and employment centers, and made community facilities safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and people with differing abilities.
From 2010 to 2018, she represented District 15 in the Maryland House of Delegates, where she worked with her constituents to create legislation to invest in STEM education, streamline the regulatory process for small businesses, and was a champion for working families, survivors of domestic abuse, and the environment.
Miller served on the Ways and Means Committee and its Revenue, Transportation, and Education Subcommittees. Additionally, in her second term, she served on the Appropriations Committee, where she served as chair of the Oversight of Personnel Subcommittee, vice chair of the Transportation and Environment Subcommittee, and vice chair of the Capital Budget Subcommittee.
For over 30 years, she has lived in Montgomery County with her husband David, where they raised three daughters.
As Lieutenant Governor, her policy profile includes matters relating to transportation, mental health, and STEM equity.
She serves as chair of the Governor’s Work Zone Safety Work Group, dedicated to making highway work zones safer and protecting the lives of workers, motorists, and law enforcement.
The Lieutenant Governor also chairs Maryland’s first Council on Interfaith Outreach, which convenes faith leaders from across religions and across the state of Maryland to bridge divides, increase religious tolerance, end hate, and better serve all communities.