The Moore-Miller Administration Priorities & Strategic Highlights

To win the decade, Maryland continues to do the work to serve the people of Maryland. The Moore-Miller administration is focused on keeping it promise to make Maryland the best place in the world to change the world.

Strategic Highlights

Over the past year, the Moore-Miller Administration has pursued its promise to be data-driven in order to achieve the goal to make Maryland a more successful, competitive, and a serving state that leave no one behind. Learn how the Administration is turning goals into accomplishments as the work continues.

Our Priorities

The Moore-Miller Administration aims to make Maryland’s economy more competitive, keep our communities safe, expand opportunity and support Maryland families, and make Maryland a state that serves. Learn about the Administration's priorities and progress thus far.

State plan performance website

Maryland Cannabis Reform

On June 17, 2024, Governor Moore issued an Executive Clemency Order pardoning certain Maryland convictions related to the simple possession of cannabis (the “Cannabis Pardon Order”). His historic action pardoned 175,000 Maryland convictions for cannabis possession, which removes barriers to employment, housing, and other services. The order is the largest pardon for misdemeanor cannabis possession charges for any state and the inclusion of paraphernalia makes Maryland the first state to take such action.

Read more about how we did this.