ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore, First Lady Dawn Moore, and Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller this evening attended
National Night Out events in New Carrollton and Baltimore City. Annual National Night Out events promote police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie, and support for anti-crime efforts across Maryland.
“Public safety is my number one priority as governor and when we talk about public safety, everyone shares responsibility in making things better,”
said Gov. Moore. “To all of our friends and neighbors in law enforcement, to the guardians, the parents, the village elders, and the community leaders—I want to partner with all of you to make our state safer. Together, we are going to build a safer Maryland for all.”
“Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home and in their community,”
said Lt. Gov. Miller. “This administration will continue to work in partnership with community leaders and law enforcement to give every Marylander the peace of mind that only comes from knowing you are safe.”
National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement in the spirit of building community. The event recognizes the importance of neighborhood watch groups; heightens crime and drug prevention awareness; strengthens neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and sends a message that neighborhoods are fighting back against crime.
Gov. Moore attended the National Night Out event at Beckett Field in New Carrollton this evening. In addition to hundreds of community members, Governor Moore was joined by Comptroller Brooke Lierman; Attorney General Anthony G. Brown; U.S. Attorney Erek L. Barron; Maryland Department of State Police Superintendent Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr.; Senator Alonzo Washington, Delegate Nicole A. Williams and Delegate Ashanti F. Martinez; New Carrollton Mayor Katrina Dodro and New Carrollton Chief of Police David Rice.
Lt. Governor Miller attended this evening’s No Boundaries Coalition National Night Out event in Baltimore City. Since 2008, the No Boundaries Coalition has brought central West Baltimore together to address racial and economic segregation by breaking down barriers and fostering community. In addition to community members, Lt. Governor Miller was joined by Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott, No Boundaries Executive Director Ashiah Parker, and Civic Culture Director Mark Johnson.
In June, the governor announced the Moore-Miller administration’s new vision to address public safety in Maryland. The strategy is an all-of-the-above approach focused on supporting law enforcement; building stronger, more vibrant communities; coordinating across all aspects of government; and investing in Maryland’s youth through the Safe Summer initiative.
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