Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller Statement on Worker Killed in Work Zone Crash in Silver Spring

Published: 12/14/2023

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Lieutenant Governor Miller released the following statement after Eric Lewis was fatally struck in a hit-and-run in Silver Spring while trimming trees in a work zone.

“On behalf of the Governor, and our entire administration, our hearts are heavy with this loss, and our thoughts are with Mr. Lewis’s loved ones,” said Lieutenant Governor Miller.

“Governor Moore’s and my greatest priority is to protect Marylanders. The dedicated men and women who work on our roadways put themselves in harm's way every day. The frequency at which they are injured and tragically lose their lives is an unacceptable reality that the Moore Miller administration is working to change.”

“For the past 8 months we have developed ways to bring a culture shift to change driver behavior which requires greater education, engineering, and enforcement. We must – and we will – do more to protect our roadway workers.”

Lieutenant Governor is the chair of Maryland’s Work Zone Safety Work Group.
