The Victim's Compensation Reform Act (SB 471, HB 575) This Act modernizes Maryland’s victims compensation program to ensure that victims of crime get the support they need to recover. It is far too difficult and takes far too long for crime victims to get the compensation they are entitled to, and this Act makes the process more efficient, removes unnecessary barriers to receiving compensation, and allows for rapid awards for immediate needs like funeral or emergency relocation expenses. Victims' compensation is proven not only to help families in their recovery from crimes but also to prevent future crimes and make it more likely that victims of crime will be willing to testify against perpetrators.
The Growing Apprenticeships in Public Safety (GAPS) Act (SB 470, HB 597) This Act focuses on ensuring that Maryland is training and supporting highly-qualified law enforcement professionals to protect our communities. Police Departments across the state are facing challenges hiring and retaining officers. The Act tackles the problem from multiple angles. First, it reforms an existing apprenticeship program for public safety officials with the goal of making apprenticeships a more viable pathway to law enforcement. Second, it requires the establishment of a model policy for law enforcement officer wellness programs to ensure police officers receive the support they need. Third, the Act establishes a commission to conduct a comprehensive review of policies that could help recruit, train, and retain the next generation of law enforcement officers.
The Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention (SB 475, HB 583) Within the Department of Health, a new office will consolidate and better coordinate our state’s public health approach to preventing gun violence. Gun violence intervention programs were pioneered in Maryland, but there is more work to do to ensure that they are adequately funded and informed by the best available data. This office will serve as a partner to local governments, advocates, and medical professionals engaged in hospital- and community-based violence intervention programs.